Wednesday, February 6, 2013

She is fierce....

I am sorry I haven't had time to stop in and update I started nursing school the week after our precious little one was born and I haven't had time to finish my other posts or add a new one.  But here is a little summary of how the journey has been going....

Jemma Jean is one fierce little miracle. Her time in the NICU has flown by. She has done amazing she now weighs 2 lbs 12oz. yep thats right she gained a whole pound. Yeah Jemma. She is 30 weeks today and 3 weeks of that being out here with us. Except for the incident because of the UVC she has had no problems. She has done better on the outside than she did inside. Thank God they delivered her. God has blessed this baby and I am grateful. The doctors are saying that they believe she will get to go home in about five weeks. Please continue to pray for her.

Here are some pictures that share some of the story until I have time to update again!

To be cont'd..........

One day old

First Kangaroo Care at a week old.

Mommy Daddy and Jemma

Me and Jemma

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