Saturday, January 12, 2013

27 weeks and not sure we will make it much further...

Yesterday we made it to 27 week. Let me tell you  it hasn't been easy. Little Jemma sure seems to be struggling in there. For the past five days she has had a lot of decels. We have been extremely worried but the doctors keep telling us that decels that last under a minute are not significant enough to bring her out. At this gestational age she would struggle more on the outside. It just seems that because there is only one surviving that the doctors are on uncharted territory. In Fact they probably are since these little miracle babies are so uncommon. Something someone said on face book yesterday really has stuck in my head. Hopefully they deliver her before this little miracle baby runs out of miracles. And let me tell you that is how we feel.

I stayed the night at the hospital Thursday night with Jade cause Jemma had been having so many decels Jade was really worried. She had as many as 5 in an hour, nothing that lasted more than a minute but Jade had been brought to tears with worry

Little Jemma had a tough night. Lots of decels grouped together then periods were she did well. Around 5:30 am Jemma looked not so good on the monitor Dr. M came in and said we need to move you down to L & D in case we have to take action. When we got down there they did a bed side ultra sound it showed 3 cm of amniotic fluid and that Jemma only weighed 1 lb 11 oz( which is the same that she had weighed 2 weeks ago). Dr. M was very concerned and ordered a formal ultrasound. He said if these numbers were accurate we would be delivering today. He was pretty sure they were and told us to be prepared. So we waited all morning for the results. By mid afternoon we finally got them baby had grown 150 grams and had 7 cm of fluid. It looked like things are going okay and I guess we will be leaving little Jemma in to grow a little more.

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